The winners are:
- Robyn McEwen, from Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
- Esko Lakso, from Östhammar, Sweden
- Klavdija Ropas, from Vransko, Slovenia
Thanks to all the participants!;-)
Fantasy and science fiction and speculative fiction book reviews, author interviews, bestseller news, contests and giveaways, etc. Enjoy!
4 commentaires:
To Klavdija. Cestitke...js sm tut zadnjic zadel eno knjigco.
Čestitke Klavdija. Knjiga je super. :)
I am a happy man today.
My birthday is in a few days, and this was a perfect warmup for that.
Thanks Pat !
Esko Lakso
My birthday is in a month or so, so this is the best present EVER! Thanks, Pat
This totally made my month :)
(Vidim, da imamo Slovenci dober okus za knjige ;)
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