Brandon Sanderson sold four books to Moshe Feder at Tor Books, via agent Joshua Bilmes at JABberwocky. The books represent the first four volumes of a new epic fantasy series to be called The Way of Kings, with the first expected to appear in the second half of 2010. Agent Bilmes writes that "the books are planned to alternate with the three books by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson that will conclude Jordan's Wheel of Time series. Per book advances [for the new series] are in the six figures, and with performance-based bonuses possible total advances on the deal could exceed $2.5 million."
I wonder what kind of deals authors like Gaiman, GRRM, and Pratchett will get when they get to negotiate new advances. . .
12 commentaires:
Good for him! Given the amount of books Sanderson is releasing, I wonder if he ever sleeps...
Although this is great news, does he really have that big of a following? How have his previous books sold?
I bought Mistborn but put it down after a few chapters as it was just not grabbing me.
Maybe they're hoping the Jordan fanbase will switch to him unless they have already started doing so. I imagine many people started buying his books after the announcement that he was taking over WoT.
Sanderson's sales have been stellar. He cracked the NYT list with his last two books, I think.
Love him or hate him (I'm in the former category), it looks to me like he's the new cornerstone of fantasy. Those who match him in quality can't do so in output.
Nice to see success and hard work rewarded for which there should be no apologies. 8)
I know Gaiman had something like a $50,000 bonus if he got The Graveyard book in by a certain date. He did get it in early instead choosing to give the work its due justice.
Wow, those are some big numbers. Congrats to Brandon. I'm almost done reading Warbreaker now, and it has been very, very impressive (Elantris was pretty good as well).
And incidentally, jebus, I am one of those WOT fans who started checking him out after he was announced as the replacement, and I have been pleased so far.
Great news, his writing is getting better.
@Jebus. Totally agree, mistborn did not really make it for me (first book maybe, but then it was bad). Ellantris was ok, and nice to have a one shot novel for a change. Warbreaker now, his best work yet. I actually read 4 versions of it, as he was releasing the full book for free online to fans. Well, not the final version, but he realeased 4 fully written editions. And it was great! I got to see how characters got better and better, while others kind of faded to the background, all in the name of the overall story.
His agent and book dealer were afraid that fans that read his earlier version would not buy the book, but I myself pre-order the book some 5 months ago :), so it worked for me.
Quantity over quality. Why?
Sanderson is a hack who seems to think that actual quality in writing is interchangable with "wacky magic-sytems". Truly a sympton of all that is wrong with sf today.
I agree with a few others who posted...I read his mistborn series after I found about about WoT and it was ok but not that great. It also seems weird that he is releasing Way of Kings after working on the new WoT books. I don't really get a sense of originality in his books even with his magic systems. I do have to say when I was younger I probabaly would have thought his books were good. Also, if he keeps writing as much as he does I'm sure he will get better.
I've read his just-released Warbreaker and absolutely loved it. He employs no high-brow, ultra-complicated wordage that many good--and terrible--authors use, but the story, the characters, the very atmosphere he's created, I fell for them.
I think he's one name to watch in the coming years, the man isn't just a talented, creative, highly-productive writer, he's also one who grows with every new release. Happy for the six-digit deal..
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