New Poll: What should I read next?

I'm almost done with C. S. Friedman's Wings of Wrath (Canada, USA, Europe), which by the way should be one of the top fantasy books of 2009, and will soon begin Dan Simmons' Muse of Fire (Canada, USA, Europe, and

As for what comes next, I'm letting you guys decide! Here are the nominees:

- A Fantasy Medley (, an anthology featuring short stories by Hobb, Murphy, Armstrong, and Elliot.

- Cyberabad Days by Ian McDonald (Canada, USA, Europe), a collection of short stories set in the universe of the novel River of Gods.

- Twelve by Jasper Kent (Canada, USA, Europe), a vampire novel using Napoléon's war with Russia as its backdrop.

- The Books of the South by Glen Cook (Canada, USA, Europe), the second Black Company omnibus.

- The Mystery of Grace by Charles De Lint (Canada, USA, Europe), the author's forthcoming adult novel.

- Getting to Know You by David Masurek (Canada, USA, Europe), a collection of short stories by the author.

17 commentaires:

Salt-Man Z said...

If you liked the first Black Company trilogy, you should at least read The Silver Spike (placed at the end of the Books of the South omnibus) which ties off the loose ends from the original trilogy. Otherwise, you may want to hold off on the actual "Books of the South", which end on a cliffhanger that's resolved with the 4-book "Glittering Stone" sequence (not yet collected in an omnibus edition.)

Yagiz Erkan said...

Voted... :)

I think you should read "The Books of the South"... closely followed by "The Twelve" that I keep hearing great things about.

ediFanoB said...

I'm nosy which book will be in front.

I voted for the "BOOKS OF THE SOUTH".

Graeme Flory said...

I'm going for 'The Books of the South', not as good as the first trilogy but still great fun.

Anonymous said...

Hard choice to make... I'd go with Cyberabad Days.

Anonymous said...

Dear Patrick:

Happy New Year! I don't meant to post this, per se, but I do not see another way to contact you. I am an editor at Putnam, an imprint of Penguin, and we occasionally publish some outstanding books that I think you might really like. I would love nothing more that to send you advance copies from time to time. Could you drop me a line and let me know if that would be alright? My email is Timothy [dot] Travaglini [at] us [dot] penguingroup [dot] com.


All best wishes,
Timothy Travaglini
Senior Editor
G. P. Putnam's Sons
Penguin Young Readers Group

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I voted for Twelve as I've heard good things and am very curious about it.

Anonymous said...

I might've missed it, but did you ever do those Jack Vance reviews of the Dying Earth stories? I was looking forward to them.

Anonymous said...

Why should we vote on this one when you never read the book we voted on last time?

Anonymous said...

Books of the South!

Anonymous said...

I'd say: Go with the Fantasy Medley!


Anonymous said...

Going to disagree with everybody else. I'm currently reading an ARC Cyberabad Days and I am enjoying it a lot. Recommended reading.


Anonymous said...

I voted Twelve. It sounds interesting and is more of an unknown than the others. Especially, the Glen Cook which definitely has the early lead on this poll.

Everybody keeps saying they've heard good things about "Twelve", but I haven't heard anything from an actual reader. Anybody else?

Anonymous said...

I've actually read twelve and it was pretty good. Not necessarily blow your socks off good, but a nice memorable tale with an unusual twist. So yeah, its not all viral marketing.

Anonymous said...


It looks like you can get started on the Books of the South. Runaway winner there.

IJ said...

Fantasy Medley is at the top of my wishlist for 2009, in no small part due to the contribution by Robin Hobb. I wonder whether her return to the realm of the Six Duchies will be as gripping as her previous adventures in the Farseer & Tawny Man trilogies. I can only hope.