Just an early head’s up — we’ve just reached agreement with Pyr books to publish a signed limited edition of Joe Abercrombie’s so good it’s off the charts epic fantasy debut, The Blade Itself. We’ll be talking to Joe soon about an illustrator, and announce ordering details as soon as everything is in place.
2 commentaires:
When are they gonna get on with publishing the rest of the Malazan series? Surely they're not gonna rely on Komarck to do the art for every book? It'll take forever!
Get Raymond Swanland on to it.
I'd be tempted to get this if they are doing the whole trilogy and get a really good artist to work on it.
I think they'll get a good artist. But I they'll only do the rest of the series if the first sells well. I know I'm buying a copy as soon as the order info is put up.
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