Here's the blurb:
Savaged by the K’Chain Nah’Ruk, the Bonehunters march for Kolanse, where waits an unknown fate. Tormented by questions, the army totters on the edge of mutiny, but Adjunct Tavore will not relent. One final act remains, if it is in her power, if she can hold her army together, if the shaky allegiances she has forged can survive all that is to come. A woman with no gifts of magic, deemed plain, unprepossessing, displaying nothing to instill loyalty or confidence, Tavore Paran of House Paran means to challenge the gods – if her own troops don’t kill her first.
Awaiting Tavore and her allies are the Forkrul Assail, the final arbiters of humanity. Drawing upon an alien power terrible in its magnitude, they seek to cleanse the world, to annihilate every human, every civilization, in order to begin anew. They welcome the coming conflagration of slaughter, for it shall be of their own devising, and it pleases them to know that, in the midst of the enemies gathering against them, there shall be betrayal.
In the realm of Kurald Galain, home to the long lost city of Kharkanas, a mass of refugees stand upon the First Shore. Commanded by Yedan Derryg, the Watch, they await the breaching of Lightfall, and the coming of the Tiste Liosan. This is a war they cannot win, and they will die in the name of an empty city and a queen with no subjects.
Elsewhere, the three Elder Gods, Kilmandaros, Errastas and Sechul Lath, work to shatter the chains binding Korabas, the Otataral Dragon, from her eternal prison. Once freed, she will rise as a force of devastation, and against her no mortal can stand. At the Gates of Starvald Demelain, the Azath House sealing the portal is dying. Soon will come the Eleint, and once more, there will be dragons in the world.
Roll on The Crippled God (Canada, Europe)!!!
20 commentaires:
holy. shit.
but where is the Snake in all of this?
This needed a massive (MASSIVE) spoiler tag. I'm halfway through Dust of Dreams, and this still was the spoiling-est spoiler I've ever seen on this site. My own fault for reading it, but still... I can't even imagine the reaction from someone on Book 3, or Book 1 of the series.
Anonymous: Anyone on volume 3 reading the blurb for the tenth installment is asking for trouble and deserves whatever may come...
The blurb of the final volume is bound to contain spoilers aplenty.
Here comes the finisher to my favorite fantasy series. It's going to be bittersweet. Thanks Pat for getting me into this one.
Skimmed through it and did't find it spoilerific. Reads like a random "Final Encounter!!" outline.
To be published, when again? I guess I'd better start the re-read soon or I'll never finish in time !
I agree that if you're halfway through Dust then it has a pretty big spoiler in the first sentence, but it's anyone's own fault for reading it.
Oh God I can't wait for this, am in the process of pre-ordering this, The Heroes and Republic of Thieves on BookDep.
It sounds pretty awesome. I can't wait either. Although part of me is sad that it ends. I got used to having a Malazan book every year. I think Erikson spoiled me.
So basically one apocalypse is not enough, so Erikson obliges us with 3! :) AWESOMENESS!
BTW, it doesn't make sense to complain about spoilers when this is the official blurb. You could've read that in a bookstore!
Thanks for posting this, Pat. Way back, at the other end of the series, Tor is hosting a re-read of Gardens of the Moon. Two chapters are analyzed every Wednesday, have you (or anyone reading this) seen that? It is extremely entertaining, to me at least.
SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! So f'ing cannot wait for this! An the theme is heroes.... soooo AWESOME!!!
Thx Pat
Tout cela laisse espérer un final à la hauteur de cette formidable décalogie !
Just can't wait!
The US Tor catalog has it scheduled for February.
Sounds good.
Pat: Just in case you read these, why haven't you posted Richard K Morgan's excerpt from The Cold Commands? It's on his website blog, and it's very good too. Please post!! Thanks
I have just started reading dust of dreams. Finally got around to buying it today.
And what did I spot:
'Will have you begging for more! Steven Erikson is a master storyteller'
Now who am I to argue ;)
I've been following along with the re-read over at Tor as well. It is definitley entertaining. I made it as far as Reaper's Gale before, but I decided to do a this re-read. I'm loving it!
This is going to be FUCKING awesome!
DAMN this is gonna be the SHIT. no wonder erikson wrote 9 huge fucking novels to get to this. if anything, when its all said and done here, of everything that erikson has written and has planned to write, mallazan will just HAVE to be his magnum opus. (note to fans: just because steven wrote a fat novel of awesomeness a year does NOT give you right to rag on other authors. why? beacause DIFFERENT WRITERS WORK AT DIFFERENT SPEEDS!!!!)
I made it halfway through book three, and 90% of that blurb made no sense to me. In fact, I've already forgotten it. I'm guessing those people who are early in the series are going to be just fine without spoiler tags.
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