Book Reviews
I just finished Jim Butcher's first Dresden novel, Storm Front (Canada, USA, Europe), and I found it very entertaining. A quick and fun read. So yeah, I'll be reading the rest of the series!
Next up is Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's Bones of the Dragon (Canada, USA, Europe), to be followed by C. S. Friedman's Wings of Wrath (Canada, USA, Europe).
Future reviews will include Kay Kenyon's City Without End (Canada, USA, Europe), Dan Simmons' Muse of Fire (Canada, USA, Europe, and http://www.subterraneanpress.com/), A Fantasy Medley anthology (http://www.subterraneanpress.com/), L. E. Modesitt, jr.'s Imager (Canada, USA, Europe), Carrie Vaughn's Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand (Canada, USA, Europe) and Kitty Raises Hell (Canada, USA, Europe).
Last but not least, I will also be reading what is one of the most eagerly anticipated scifi book of 2009 for me, Ian McDonald's Cyberabad Days (Canada, USA, Europe).
Of course, I will also be giving older titles a shot, though I have no idea which ones I'll be picking up to read and review. In addition, Peter V. Brett's The Painted Man/The Warded Man (Canada, USA, Europe) is sitting there staring at me, which means that it's a definite possibility.
Although more could be in the works, there are only two interviews which have been confirmed. First of all, along with Adam and Larry, I'll be doing a Q&A with R. Scott Bakker to promote The Judging Eye (Canada, USA, Europe). Interviewing Scott is always interesting, so I'm looking forward to this one!
Also, I will be doing a Q&A with Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman to promote their latest, Bones of the Dragon. Already have Weis' answers to the interview questions, so this one shall be posted as soon as Hickman gets back to me with his.
Many contests have yet to be confirmed, but here are those which should see the light.
There will be a giveaway early next week for Weis and Hickman's Bones of the Dragon.
Though quite extraordinary, the giveaway for Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book (Canada, USA, Europe, and http://www.subterraneanpress.com/) was not the "big" giveaway that Subterranean Press and I had in store for you. Keep your eyes peeled for this one in early 2009! Speaking of Subpress, I'm confident that we should also have a contest for the anthology A Fantasy Medley.
There will be a giveaway for C. S. Friedman's Wings of Wrath in January. Though these have no been confirmed yet, I'm pretty sure we'll have giveaways for both Kay Kanyon's City Without End and Ian McDonald's Cyberabad Days. The same thing goes for the US edition of Richard Morgan's The Steel Remains (Canada, USA, Europe).
Finally, there should be a contest for both new Kitty novels from Carrie Vaughn, as well as L. E. Modesitt, jr.'s Imager.
All this and more!
As things stand, the only confirmation I have is for a sample of C. S. Friedman's Wings of Wrath to be posted in January.
Stay tuned for more surprises!;-)
5 commentaires:
I agree with your short comment on STORM FRONT.
I read it some months ago and liked it too.
The Dresden Files are MADE OF AWESOME.
...however I really hope you already read Something From The Nightside by Simon R Green first, because much though I adore Mr Green, his work is not quite as enjoyable after reading the magnificence that is Butcher.
Also, welcome to the ranks of people condemned to spend the next ten years or more awaiting his next book every year...
And for the love of all gods DON'T watch the TV series!
You only JUST read Storm Front?Dude,where have you been?:p
Seriously though,you have nine more books of chewy goodness ahead of you.With any luck,you'll be finished just in time for book 11 in March:)Then try out his high fantasy series,The Codex Alera(now up to book five and counting).
PS Wait,you haven't read Something From The Nightside?Dude,WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?
Sounds cool, and The Dresden Files only get better, so have fun.
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