Stephen King's Just After Sunset is up two positions, ending its third week on the charts at number 4. For more info about this title: Canada, USA, Europe.
Stephenie Meyer's The Host is up seven spots, finishing the week at number 10.
Jim Butcher's Princeps' Fury debuts at number 13.
Orson Scott Card's Ender in Exile is down three positions, ending its third week on the bestseller list at number 21. For more info about this title: Canada, USA, Europe.
Laurell K. Hamilton's Swallowing Darkness is down six spots, finishing its fourth week on the NYT list at number 25.
Charlaine Harris' From Dead to Worse is up one position, ending its tenth week on the prestigious list at number 30.
In paperback:
Tobias S. Buckell's Halo: The Cole Protocol debuts at number 4. For more info about this title: Canada, USA, Europe.
Stephen King's Duma Key is down six spots, finishing its sixth week on the charts at number 12.
Kim Harrison's The Outlaw Demon Wails debuts at number 18.
Jim Butcher's Captain's Fury debuts at number 22.
J. R. R. Tolkien's The Children of Húrin maintains its position. This marks the novel's seventh week on the bestseller list.
Sherrilyn Kenyon's One Silent Night is down nineteen positions, ending its third week on the NYT list at number 29.
Charlaine Harris' six of seven Sookie Stackhouse novels rank from number 7 to number 34.
3 commentaires:
Wow! I can't imagine a Stephen King book struggling. I just read Just After Sunset last week and liked it a lot, though was a bit frustrated with a few of the endings, (sort of like the abrupt ending of Cell.)
Just started Charlaine Harris's Dead Until Dark, the first book in that series and am not sure I care for it. (I love the HBO series, though.) I've never been a fan of a first person present tense narrative. (All the I's really get on my nerves~)
I forgot to mention - anyone who hasn't read Duma Key and claims themselves to be a King fan really needs to rethink things.
Duma Key is my favorite recent King novel and a 'must read' for any of his "constant readers."
You know what I love the book charts but I am also one of those people who try and find a hidden gem. Something that for what ever reason gets hidden away within the world of well known authors.
There has been a number in the past but one that stands out is a book online I think at Barnes and noble online and amazon. Its called Awake (Are we)? Part 1 Journey to the waterfall Kingdom. Its a unique setting of this world called Sublin. A world existing between ours and the Judgment world. Its a very engrossing story. one of the bits in there reminded me of Stephen King its like a horror part of being out numbered kinda like Children of the Corn.
Well long live Stephen King and lets hope that some of these hidden gems get their chance to shine.
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