First, a synopsis:
As already mentioned by Benioff and Weiss, we open with the prologue. Waymar, Gared and Will ranging beyond the wall when they are set up by Others.
After the prologue, the credit sequence. A raven is sent from Castle Black to King's Landing. As it flies over Westeros we see the map, the raven dips down over points of interest (Winterfell, The Eyrie, etc.) and the map fades from view to show the actual castles. Eventually, the raven flies into the Red Keep and lands on the Iron Throne. End credits.
Next the beheading scene. Plays out almost exactly like the book, down to Theon kicking the disembodied head. Then the direwolf pups are discovered.
Cut to Dany in Pentos. Viserys and her discuss the wedding and his plan to retake Westeros. Illyrio introduces Viserys and Daenerys to Drogo.
Next, we jump to King's Landing. The lifeless body of Jon Arryn on his deathbed. Cersei and Pycelle discuss his final words. "The seed is strong." Cut to a brothel. Tyrion is enjoying the company of one the "employees" there. Jaime barges in, tells him they are heading to Winterfell.Cut to Catelyn and Ned in the godswood, they talk about the King coming to Winterfell. The King and his party arrive. Robert and Ned go down to the crypts to talk. Next scene, the feast in the Great Hall. There is an exchange between Ned and Jaime that wasn't in the book. Jon and Benjen talk about the Night's Watch. Tyrion and Jon talk about bastards.
Cut to Catelyn and Ned in their bedchamber. They receive the message from Lysa. Ned decides to accept the King's offer. The next day, we see the Stark and Lannister boys at their sword play. All these scenes play out very closely to the book, with the exception of the Ned-Jaime encounter, albeit condensed quite a bit.
Cut back to Pentos. Drogo and Dany's wedding feast. We see some dancing, some raping, some killing. The gifts are given. Dany and Drogo consummate the marriage.
Back to Winterfell, Robert and Ned speak before leaving to go on a hunt. Bran climbs. Spys Jaime and Cersei in the act. "The things I do for love." Fade to black.
Sounds good to me!;-)
10 commentaires:
All that in one episode? They're definitely moving quickly, then. One thing worries me; all the characters are tough enough to follow in a book, it'll be tough to maintain viewer interest in all of them on television. Dany's storyline is going to look tacked-on for a long, long time.
this looks like A GAME OF THRONES in 30 seconds. re-enacted by bunnies :D
I'm still waiting for the post about Dallas beating the Giants.
Interesting read. Anyway I wait for first trailer.
this sounds like it should be done pretty well, and I am really looking forward to it....however, I would much rather hear something hopeful pertaining to a certain book...
I do agree that the it seems like a lot, but I don't think it'd be tough to capture people'S interest. Look at something like Lost, four or five seasons in and it managed to capture people's interests for a long time with a lot of nothing happening per episode :P
I think only the huge cast might present a problem at first.
"I think only the huge cast might present a problem at first."
As opposed to...Lost's small and contained cast? ;-)
The one thing I'm concerned about is that at this rate they'll do the whole first book in 10 episodes, and have to have 3 episodes of filler. I'd prefer it if they had 10 eps for AGoT and 13 for ASoS, with ACoK inbetween somewhere.
Still, it all sounds pretty good so far.
I'm salivating already! I can't wait for this HBO series to come out. I think HBO is the right company for the job of brining our beloved Song of Ice and Fire series to screen!
Shit, I completely forgot about posting something about the Cowboys beating the Giants.
A bit late to gloat now...:-(
Just found this post and... I have not yet read these books but I plan to... very soon. I've heard a lot of people who recommend them and GRRM. I can't wait to dive in. :) And to see the HBO series. Man... I'm way behind aren't I, sigh.. better get my butt in gear.
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