Well, though expectations were sort of high, Game of Thrones delivered on basically all levels.
The various previews had demonstrated that this would be a quality series, but I was nevertheless blown away by the picture quality, the different settings, the costumes, the acting. Sean Bean makes a great Ned Stark.
The Dothraki scenes were a bit cheesy and overdone, but other than that I loved everything about this first episode.
And what a way to end it, eh!?! With a brother fucking his sister doggie style and throwing a child off a tower to die. "The things I do for love."
Think the mainstream public will like it??? Time will tell...
When I met GRRM in Montreal during Worldcon, we spoke at length about the HBO series. George explained how he turned down offers for more money because they didn't leave him any control or influence on the final product. Terry Goodkind may have made a bundle, but Legend of the Seeker turned out to be a farce, a travesty (not that the actual SoT saga was high-brow material to begin with).
During the first couple of minutes from Game of Thrones, you realize that the production captured the essence of the prologue from A Game of Thrones almost perfectly, setting the mood for all that is to come. Love the soundtrack as well, and here's to hoping that a CD will be available soon...
Label me excited! =)
Winter isn't coming. It's here! Can't wait for episode two next week!!!
18 commentaires:
Didn't like the prologue. It seemed pretty cheesy. But loved the rest! Looking forward to next week too!
nice spoiler alert. thanks for the warning!
I absolutely loved it I can't wait for next week
Epic, Pat. I streamed it online after it aired. Amazing. I called the ending a couple minutes in but I think they hadn't it well. I told my girlfriend that there'd be blood and titties and she laughed asking, isn't that HBO?
I think they're pushing the television genre though. I enjoyed it, found the blood and sex even a little classy compared to some television fare.
heh, mainstream. judging by that NYT review, it will take quite a while for those people to appreciate it.
in short: FUCK THEM.
Yeah giving away the ending of the episode is pretty selfish for anyone who hasn't watched it already...
I think they did a fantastic job! I was impressed, I was worried about how much they would follow the books but thank goodness, HBO did keep with the spirits. If you go to the official Facebook page for the show, it seems the mainstream is loving (many of the commenters have never read the books) which has me hopeful for a success (also, HBO gave away this weekend for free to entice subscribers after watching the premiere! Yay)
@Peter, you must not have read the books?
Woah! SPOILER! You know you have readers here in the UK where it doesn't show until tonight right ; )
Did anyone else find the sex scene with Dany/Drogo disturbing as high hell!?! Don't get me wrong I'm very hard to shock, and am a HUGE fan of GRRM and the books (read them 3 times, c'mon!) but....
... I guess I remember being creeped out by that scene in the novel, then feeling redeemed by the way Dany ultimately decided to accept him. In the show, I was just plain creeped out.
sorry Pat, commented on the wrong article. should i copy/paste onto the one about reviews?
you know odds are everybody on who goes to this site already knows the events of GoT pretty well.
Yeah bit of a spoiler there Pat, not very nice at all (though I've read the books and knew what the end scene was, but still, that's a douchey move).
Anyway I liked it well enough, I think Addy is a great Robert and Bean suits the role of Ned a lot more than I thought he would. A few dodgy CG effects (Bran climbing) and the Dothraki side of things really was quite cheesy though I agree Viserys is characterised quite well. Tyrion's accent didn't bother me as much as I thought ti would and Fairly actually makes a good Catelyn.
Should be a fun series where I really hope people who have not read the books get really into it.
Loved the first episode. I can't point at anything and say- "Oh God, why did they do that!!!"
Hoever, like many others across the interwebs, I felt the Dothraki scenes disn't hold up as well- not because of acting, but because those scenes just felt 'thin' to me- not enough savage looking nomadic barbarians. The wedding scene could have definitely used a bit of judiscious CGI to add in the Horde in the background.
But, overall, I was thrilled.
It was a home run,us who read and loved the books will love the HBO show,and others (hehheh), will i think be much inclined to watch and follow the rest of the series and head for the book store to be prepared for the rest of the season and the next six to follow!
Nice spoiler dumbass.
I think you can't read any number of synopses or reviews without learning about the incestuous brother and sister, and the other spoiler about the child is pretty much worthless without reading the scene oneself...
I didn't like the start to the series. When the book starts with an awesome prologue that you can see working right for TV why change it around to a bunch of guys running around a block from the wall? Also, I didn't realize it but a lot of characters really think to themselves in the books a lot. You can't do this in TV, so you need more discussion. So far there isn't and the actors aren't doing enough with their expression and moods to carry what's going through their heads.
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