TIME magazine has honored bestselling fantasy author George R.R. Martin by including him on its Top 100 most influential people list for this year. The write-up was done by John Hodgman:
I had two missions last summer. One was to watch The Wire because I was tired of admitting I hadn't seen it. The other was to read George R.R. Martin's A Game of Thrones.
The experiences turned out to be surprisingly similar. Both kidnapped me to intimately drawn worlds with stories of a grim conflict and characters so achingly human that you end up rooting, tragically, for both sides. And neither one has dragons in it — at least, not at first. Martin, 62, is as fine a researcher as he is a storyteller, and he packs in enough miserable fact about the meanness of medieval life that it occasionally echoes Baltimore in its harshness.
With HBO's adaptation and Martin's long-awaited fifth book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series about to be published, my endorsement isn't necessary. But I'll still feel compelled, like all those fans of The Wire, to pull you aside and tell you that Tyrion Lannister is the best character in fiction since Stringer Bell and that if you have not read these books, you should be ashamed of yourself.
8 commentaires:
This is good for fantasy fans. Bad for Song of Ice and Fire fans. I feel like the more acclaim the series has got the further we are (as fans) from seeing a climax.
I think Joe Abercrombie ruined it for me by finishing the story arc and then giving me more in the form of one-off books within the same world feature some of the same characters.
I fear GrrM is going to go the way of the Jordan series. Especialy if he is now doing media tours to promot the tv series and not putting pen to paper.
Hot damn that's awesome! Congrats to George, I bet he's thrilled!
Hey Pat, Daniel Abraham gave you a shout-out as a better reviewer site than NYT / Slate at his book signing.
(around the 1:17 mark)
(sorry for highjacking the thread...but it was the last post up)
Patterson and Bellafante will now issue mea culpas, right? Well, no, because they're kinda douches. It's late. Me go bed now.
Adrian, I'm concerned about the same thing. What if all this media will go to his head?
At least it will make him happy and *hopefully* he'll get this next book out.
It's always good for genre fiction to get the recognition it is often snubbed.
Lazarus Lupin
art and review
100 people list ?
in what area ?
if this list contains people from all over the world in all fields, then this is a proof to me, that the time is not only meaningless, it's ridiculous.
what did g.r.r.martin do ?
sit back and watched people make a show ?
didn't finish the book this year also ?
i mean, come on, he did nothing !!
there are people around the world who fight for human rights, who fight against the rise of islam, who change laws, wtf did martin do ??!?!
this list realy makes me angry.
and even if i were a fantaic sycophant like the people in his blog, i still wouldn't agree to including him in that list.
"time" is now bullshit to me.
Love both The Wire and GRRM's books. One quibble: Stringer may be a classic character, but Omar is one of the greatest characters ever on television. This is echoed by critics everywhere. Never curses, gay, follows a strict code of behavior, frightening even to the toughest of the tough (OMAR'S Comin'!).... never was a character more compelling.
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