Peter William from Ubiquitous Absence is the culprit this time around. So blame him for what you are about to read! A number of topics are broached, among them Mystar and other Goodkind fuckwit fans, brown-nosing bloggers, Pat's Fantasy Hotlist, Lemmings of Discord, wankers, YA, quality blogs, the upcoming NFL season, yada yada yada. If the drivel you see posted here every day is not enough, then head on out here to read the full Q&A.:-)
I'm aware that this one will ruffle a few feathers. . . But hey, it wouldn't be fun otherwise, right!?!
For more sleep-inducing material, you can check out the first and second Q&A I've done in 2007 and 2008.
9 commentaires:
Have to agree with the Wertzone comment, Adam is my favourite blogger/reviewer out there. Have not read Neth much, but will give him a go. Also recommend Speculative Horizons who I find similar to Pat.
Thanks for doing it, Pat. It was fun to do, even if it puts a blogger on the other end of the interview. :D
Cheers for the shout-out Pat :-)
Bah! You're far from controversial to many, Pat. I mean, until you participate in things such as the Racefail arguments or discuss the impact of certain pricing policies, you're just going to be isolated from the other tempests, some of which involve blogs that have tens of thousands of daily visitors. You gotta step up your game!
There, hope that gently deflated your ego there :P
A little controversy goes a long way, I agree there needs to be more debate!
It's not as if most sci-fi/fantasy authors are shrinking violets ... why should the people who write about them be that way? :)
Thanks for the kind words - Neth Space wouldn't be half the blog it is without the support you've given it over the years.
Pat, reading Q&As with you makes me realize that you should write more editorials.
Ken and Adam: As much as I'd like to take the credit, you guys are responsible for your respective success. I simply helped give blogs a good name. On the other hand, I'm equally responsible for the proliferation of shit due to the same reason. So I guess it evens out in the end. . .;-)
Dreamgirlzzz: There is a saying I've always been fond of: "If you want to be seen, stand up. If you want to be heard, speak up. If you want to be appreciated, shut up!" Which sort of sums up why there are so few editorials on the Hotlist.
Nice interview, Pat. I was glad you gave Adam a plug, too, because his is one of my favourite sites to read as well. Thanks for putting the link to Mystar's rant in there, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't read it. People like that give us fantophiles a bad name. We can do that all on our own LOL.
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