New Poll: Help me decide where to go next. . .

Okay, so I know I just got back from a 6-week stint in Southeast Asia. And technically, this was supposed to be my only "real" trip of the year. I had to get a leave of absence from both my jobs in order to haul my ass over to Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore, so it's not like money was pouring in while I was overseas.

And yet, this week I learned that I just might be able to crunch my four weeks of vacation and get the entire month of June off. Add to that the fact that I have a tax return on the way, that I should soon get my check for the editorial work I did for the Speculative Horizons anthology, and that staying in Montreal clearly isn't a compelling option, and I'm now looking at places to visit. Don't know yet if I will go anywhere and where this forthcoming adventure would be, but here are the early contenders:

- Asia (option 1): China (a major pain in the ass because of the required visa), Hong Kong, and Maccau

- Asia (option 2): Bali, Lombok, and the Gili Islands (Indonesia), as well as the east coast of Malaysia

- Eastern Europe (option 1): Slovenia, Croatia, and Montenegro

- Eastern Europe (option 2): Romania, Moldova, and Bulgaria

- Africa: Tunisia and Morocco

- Caribbean: Spend a month taking it easy island-hopping

What would you do!?!=)

Of course, with the extremely weak American dollar, a trip back to the USA could be great. I have to go back to Las Vegas to see the three Cirque du Soleil I haven't seen yet. . .;-)

29 commentaires:

Unknown said...

Oo ess aye

alabrava said...

Personally, I'd be fascinated to see Romania, Bulgaria, etc. The history alone would be enough for me to go.

RaveAir said...

And what about Hungary?

Anonymous said...

Dude, seriously, if you can, get your a$$ to the world cup in South Africa. Went to the one in Germany and it was going off!


Unknown said...

Go visit Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro! We're not Eastern Europe though, Slovenia is in Central and the other two in South-East Europe.

Unknown said...

Eastern Europe or Africa is where I would go. I am doing the China trip next year and I have also heard the visa is a pain and if your a Yankee a tad more expensive then anyone else.

Maurice said...

I recommend going through China, but in June it will be hot as hell and even more full of tourists than usual, but it makes for an amazing experience.

I've never had problems with VISAs though, but it there shouldn't be any real difficulties unless you want to go to Xinjiang or Tibet.

But you definitely will not be able to post updates here unless you have a good VPN.

Anonymous said...

They all sound pretty good...

I went to Croatia last summer and it was gorgeous. We were in Tiria, at the north. I remember the town of Rovinj being beautiful. Tiria's full of Italian/Venetian influences. Further south, Dubrovnik's meant to be amazing.

Anonymous said...

Woops, I meant Istria. Tiria is a fictional place...

Anonymous said...

Save your money for next year when the traveling itch becomes unbearable. Why go again when you just came back from a 6 week vacation?

Dovile said...

I personally would love to get to Caribbean, or Africa, unless it would be too hot there. Though Eastern Europe is a great choise too.

Saladin said...

It depends, I suppose, on what you want. If you want to just relax, read, sip dirnks and see awesome beaches, go to the west indies. St. Lucia is especially nice.

If you want to see culture/history you've never seen before, and you've never been to an Arab/Muslim country, Morocco is simply amazing. Avoid scuzzy Tangier, check out Fez's mind-boggling history (though it's a more conservative/non-party town), and spend plenty of time in Marrakesh, which is a perfect blend of paradisical vacation city and Arabian Nights-esque sights.

I'd also add Turkey (possibly w/ Greece or Cyprus added), if you've never been there. My wife and went last year and it was just stunning. Amazing, amazing, amazing history and architecture, a diversity of experiences depending on where in the country you go, and a fantastic blend of the European and the Islamic. Plus you can drink your ass of there, and no one looks at you crosseyed, but there's no hordes of can't-hold-their-liquor backpackers/tourists!

Saladin said...

It depends, I suppose, on what you want. If you want to just relax, read, sip dirnks and see awesome beaches, go to the west indies. St. Lucia is especially nice.

If you want to see culture/history you've never seen before, and you've never been to an Arab/Muslim country, Morocco is simply amazing. Avoid scuzzy Tangier, check out Fez's mind-boggling history (though it's a more conservative/non-party town), and spend plenty of time in Marrakesh, which is a perfect blend of paradisical vacation city and Arabian Nights-esque sights.

I'd also add Turkey (possibly w/ Greece or Cyprus added), if you've never been there. My wife and went last year and it was just stunning. Amazing, amazing, amazing history and architecture, a diversity of experiences depending on where in the country you go, and a fantastic blend of the European and the Islamic. Plus you can drink your ass of there, and no one looks at you crosseyed, but there's no hordes of can't-hold-their-liquor backpackers/tourists!

Kelemvor said...

Come to the Canary Islands!!

Unknown said...

Go to Morocco! You'll love it. It is so colorful and beautiful. Morocco was a huge surprise for me when I go there. The diversity of the people, the landscape and everything took me off guard. Morocco is kind of a sensory overload at times, but isn't that a good thing?

I wrote a bit about it in my travel blog I have a link for it on my "past trips" tab.

Anonymous said...

Eastern Europe has the best sex trade.

Anonymous said...

Tunisia and Morocco

Susan said...

I am personally VERY biased towards Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro... and why not see BiH at the same time? Sarajevo and Mostar are quite amazing and so full of (tragic) history. Dubrovnik in Croatia is lovely though quite touristy (though in June it might not be too bad.) Be sure to hop on a ferry and visit some of the islands along the Dalmatian coast if you choose that route.
Rachel: I've always wanted to go to Tyria. :)

Shirow66 said...

If I could, I would travel to Japan, Vietnam and South Korea. I can't believe you didn't go any of them on your Asia trip!

Anonymous said...

Go to Santa Fe and kick that slow poke in the junk.

Chris M said...

I see a distinct lack of Australia on those list of options. Though it would be nearing winter so probably wouldn't be as nice. :(

I'd go for Eastern Europe. I'm off to Germany and Czech Republic in June/July for the first time to study and travel, so should be a lot of fun.

Or you could just explore a bit more of the US with the dollar in your favour. :)

valerie said...

I vote for Eastern Europe. You just did Vegas and the tropics, plus the weather should be nice in June and there shouldn't be alot of tourists there.

Horia Nicola Ursu said...

If you decide for Eastern Europe, know you have friends in Romania. Namely in Transylvania. North of it, right near the Hungarian border. We can provide food and accomodation. Dunno about the sex trade that the guy before mentioned. :)
Seriously, there's lot to see around here, the food is great and people are friendly. Give a sign if you decide our way.

Charlie said...

If you haven't already...
Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. The guides are awesome; the experience is outstanding as well as the views. Most routes take 4-5 days to the summit. It's fairly easy going until the summit attempt, which you may need a lot of mental preparation for, but standing at the peak at sunrise is priceless.

pacamanca said...

Anything against South America? At least it won't be as hot and damp as it is until about March-April.

Unknown said...

Go to Estern Europe (option 1): Slovenia, Croatia, and Montenegro

But as Miha already said, we're not eastern Europe.

Anonymous said...

South Africa my man. The FIFA World Cup is here in June and everything!

Anonymous said...

go to Eastern Europe (option 1): Slovenia, Croatia, and Montenegro

Anonymous said...

I just got back from a trip to Morocco and Spain and have to say that the Morocco part was probably the best thing of the whole trip. Night market food in Marrakesh, camping overnight in the Sahara, sunrise camel rise over the sand dunes, the medinas of Marrakesh and Fez, having tea with Berber nomads... it was all an amazing experience. Even dodging the donkey poo in the medina wasn't too bad!