Game of Thrones: Sneak Preview

The first 14 minutes of the first episodes!

Only a few more days now. . . =)

8 commentaires:

Anonymous said...

So good, can't wait !

It would have been really difficult to capture attention if the first chapter was completely respected in the narrative way, these changes made for a visual result are really exciting....
I count down every day until the release on HBO.
Mormegilmarseille, France

Anonymous said...

wow i am so pumped right now!!!

WyzWmn© said...

I know they need to take licence from the story line in the books - but it looks like (from what I've seen so far) that it's going to be an exciting tale told well in spite of the need for licence

Kristen said...

I'm so excited! I can't wait for this series to begin. I've watched all the behind-the-scenes featurettes and so far I'm very pleased with the casting, the artistry, and all the other details. I imagine it was a huge task to translate the first book from page to screen and still hold true to the author's original vision. I have to admire the filmmakers for taking on such a daunting task.

The preview was great but 14 minutes wasn't enough. It went by too quickly!

Shaun said...

This is going to be a great installment. The preview shows them keeping a slower pace and not jumping around like crazy film makers. I can not wait to see them do the books justice over the coming time. Working at DISH network I can tell you that if you don't have HBO you are in luck cause it will be on free preview 4/15-4/18 so you can catch the first installment of Game of Thrones. will be out and about that night, but I plan on using my sling adapter to stream the live airing to my iphone, so I shouldn't miss a beat either.

Anonymous said...

Every time I read GRRMs prologue, it's frightening. But for some reason the HBO prologue seemed a tad boring - it felt rather flat. Usually it's far easier to create an emotion visually (tv) and with the accompanying music, than to create an emotion through the written word. HBO always does a good job, though, so I'm looking forward and hoping it will be a decent production.

Flying Monkey said...

Looks awesome!

Kirshy said...

This is the way fantasy is meant to be done on TV and film. Great acting, great sets, and just an overall feeling of being there in the moment with the story being seen and not told. In 14 minutes HBO has managed to surpass any other 'fantasy' show currently or previously airing; Camelot(awful), Sword of Truth(pathetic), and even Merlin(mediocre).

So excited. I can not wait!