December 31st is looming, what with about 8 weeks left to go before the end of the year. And though I haven't made up my mind just yet about whether or not to hang 'em up, last week's latest tempest in a teacup makes it less likely that I'll stick around. . .
A while back I posted a list of eagerly anticipated SFF titles I'd love to polish off before calling it quits. So far I've read Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson's Towers of Midnight (Canada, USA, Europe), Ian Cameron Esslemont's Stonewielder (Canada, USA, Europe), and R. Scott Bakker's Disciple of the Dog (Canada, USA, Europe).
I have already received my ARC of Joe Abercrombie's The Heroes (Canada, USA, Europe), yet I have no idea if Patrick Rothfuss' The Wise Man's Fear (Canada, USA, Europe) and Scott Lynch's The Republic of Thieves (Canada, USA, Europe) will be within the realm of possibilities. We'll have to wait and see. . .
I'll get both Steven Erikson's The Crippled God (Canada, USA, Europe) and R. Scott Bakker's The White-Luck Warrior (Canada, USA, Europe) as soon as the final copy-edit is completed.
But the time constraint means that I might not get the chance to read and review them all if I do decide to retire from the SFF blogosphere. If that's the case, I want to know which of these major releases you'd like me to polish off the most. =)
A while back I posted a list of eagerly anticipated SFF titles I'd love to polish off before calling it quits. So far I've read Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson's Towers of Midnight (Canada, USA, Europe), Ian Cameron Esslemont's Stonewielder (Canada, USA, Europe), and R. Scott Bakker's Disciple of the Dog (Canada, USA, Europe).
I have already received my ARC of Joe Abercrombie's The Heroes (Canada, USA, Europe), yet I have no idea if Patrick Rothfuss' The Wise Man's Fear (Canada, USA, Europe) and Scott Lynch's The Republic of Thieves (Canada, USA, Europe) will be within the realm of possibilities. We'll have to wait and see. . .
I'll get both Steven Erikson's The Crippled God (Canada, USA, Europe) and R. Scott Bakker's The White-Luck Warrior (Canada, USA, Europe) as soon as the final copy-edit is completed.
But the time constraint means that I might not get the chance to read and review them all if I do decide to retire from the SFF blogosphere. If that's the case, I want to know which of these major releases you'd like me to polish off the most. =)
35 commentaires:
Aww, I hadn't read that you planned to quit. Rothfuss and Lynch are my picks, since George Martin still hasn't come out with his next...
I have to say...don't go! If you must, my vote is for SE's The Crippled God. You have championed all things Malazan and I feel that it would immortalize you in the blogosphere!
Dear Pat,
It would be a sad day in the blogosphere to see you go. Especially with the embargo debacle, it became obvious that the specfic blogosphere needs you.
Please reconsider, as last week proved that the new generation of bloggers don't have what it takes to pick the slack that your departure would create.
Haters hate, you know. Jealous bloggers may claim that you're this or that and wonder how come you are as popular as you have become and continue to be. There is only one reason why Pat's Fantasy Hotlist remains the most popular SFF book reviewing blog on the web. The answer seems obvious to me...
My vote goes for Rothfuss of course!:D
The Crippled God, it’s the only one that will finish a series, and it would feel like a loss if it ended up being the only MBOTF you didn’t review.
Dear Pat,
Your blog has opened my eyes to many new authors. The dedication you have shown, through your hundreds of posts and reviews is un paralleled on the web. I, for one, will be a little less informed without you, but thanks for the years I got to share your ideas. What else are you going to do with your time, if not this?
My pick is Scott Lynch, I have been scouring the wed since the last book waiting the release date. George RR Martin, I think I am done with it, been too long, and I was way too pissed after Feast with no Jon Snow.
Republic of Thieves, for mine. That will answer some questions and introduce a much anticipated character.
I'd like to see you stay around to at least review these, Pat.
Gear Pat
If you have to quit please make at least a review of all these books mentioned, because these are some of the most awaited, and those you like the most. Quiting without reviewing GRRM, R -Scott Baker, Rothfuss, Scott Lynch; Steven EriksonUnthinkable !
Either for you or for us !
Perhaps before quiting you should to take some months with only one review per month, but I can't imagine a full stop on january 1st 2011, I really can't !
You can quit cause it may take you too much time and energy, but please finish with "panache"
It has to be Erikson!
You can't quit, Pat! There are no other blogs that can even compare to yours.
I'll be lost without you!
Tough choice between Lynch and Rothfuss. If the option was there, I would have voted for both as I'm looking forward to both books equally, but for the sake of voting I went with Rothfuss.
As a side note, I have no idea what this supposed 'tempest' is about. I don't follow a great deal of websites (the hotlist is one of about 3 book-related sites I frequent), so it seems to be that if these other websites are causing problems that are driving you to quit, perhaps you should simply stop visiting them. But, as I said, I don't follow the problem, I just come here for the book news, not the drama!
This was the first book blog I ever started reading. I was looking for information about this Malazan series I was reading at the time. Though I sometimes disagree with what you say (about books and other things) you are no doubt one of the foundations of the SFF blogosphere. I'd rather see you cut back and only post occasionally for authors/series you want to follow rather than drop out completely.
Pat - not a one!
If you're going, go and stop going on about it, would you? If you aren't, and truly a few are even remotely convinced you are - your attention-grabbing assurances to one side - then this constant plea for people for profess their undying love for you is every bit as pathetic as it seems.
Do, or do not, there is no try. Nor, of course, will this post exist once you've moderated it into oblivion.
What a tremendously powerful man you are!
I think you should broaden your selection and tackle Michel Foucault's three-part The History of Sexuality. It can be a nice curveball, if nothing else.
As much as I enjoy the blog (and I enjoy it a lot), I could do without all the ego stroking. It's a personal decision - either blog or don't do it because YOU want to not because of some random external event/pressure/person.
I hope you stick around. Regardless, I hope you stop having meta-conversations about your decision.
I vote for Rothfuss. How many Erikson novels have been reviewed - lots. How many Rothfuss novels have been reviewed - one. We know what we've got with Erikson. Let's see of Rothfuss has a sophomore slump.
Leave, or don't. Just don't appear to fish for it. We'll survive either way, promise.
Gotta be The Wise Man's Fear, been anticipating it for soooo long. I know the crippled god will be the last book in the series but it feels like the more recent malazan books haven't been as good. Maybe its just because my favorite characters havent been in them recently though. Still, I'm sure the ending will be epic.
I was going to say what several others already have - quit or don't quit, but STFU about it already.
Difference is I have no qualms putting my name to my words.
On topic, I am of course waiting for ADWD, and Shadowheart.
I'd vote for the Crippled God... but I'm going to read an love it no matter what. So I think mine will go for the White Luck Warrior. That way I will know if I need to get it in gear and finish book 1 of that series.
Don't you quit on us pat!
The sff blogosphere would be a much poorer place without you...:(
I go for Abercrombie!
Fuck the haters! Keep blogging!
I'd vote Erikson simply because I never would have read him (or Rothfuss or Lynch) if you had not pointed him out, plus you need the closure of reviewing the entire series.
This is the only book blog I read simply because you come across as a real person and not a pretentious wanna-be writer for the New York Times. Real people always make better reviewers.
Scott Lynch HANDS DOWN.
I'd have to go with The Republic of Thieves personally.
I have faith in Rothfuss, so I don't think a review is as necessary there as with the other two main ones (Erikson and Lynch). I would pick either one of those.
Hey Pat. You have alot of people that love your blog, man. Your site here was one of the very first I found a few years back, just wouldn't be right without you, dawg. So my vote would be for Martin's A Dream of Spring, so that ought to give you a good 10 years to think about quitting.
You know, I came here to be negative and say that you should hang it up.
But you know what? It's not really true. Yeah, your blog is worthless, but the state of online sci fi is hardly your fault. It's the consumer, not the producer, and people obviously like your shit. So, you know, keep putting your stuff out there.
It's not like you're actually making things worse.
@anonymous: You saying that everyone who happens to like this blog is an idiot?
I'm going with Lynch because he has so many interesting things that are history to his characters, but still complete mysteries.
Keep on Pat, your blog is the one place that lead me to several books I would have otherwise ignored.
ROTHFUSS ROTHFUSS ROTHFUSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, it just has to be "Wise Man's Fear".
PS, Anonymous (with the previous negative, unconstructive comments) is clearly a troll, so no need to feed him.
Gotta be The Crippled God. It's such a massive series, I feel it would be a shame to leave it unsung on this blog. I haven't always agreed with your politics, but I agree with everyone else who says that your ceasing to maintain this blog would be a huge loss to the sf/f community.
I have to go with the Crippled God and White Luck Warrior.
Definitely Scott Lynch. I still maintain that the first chapter of The Lies of Locke Lamora is the single best chapter I have ever read in a fiction book.
So many bitchy imature idiots on here. If they dont like you wtf are they doing on here in the first place? Hmm trolls :p
At the end of the day mate I thoroughly enjoy your Blog. No idea what all the crap is about, but be bigger than these fools and keep blogging please.
And a note to Jennifer, putting your blogging alias to a comment? haha.....
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