Pay attention as I restore honor to your blog with my CUNNING PLAN.
Step 1: Do a poll in which your audience finds the girliest book alive.
Step 2: I will review that book and keep a combat log/war journal of my thoughts.
Step 3: I will WRECK YOUR SHIT with it.
So all you need to do is leave your suggestions in the comment section and Sykes will take care of the rest!
26 commentaires:
Twilight books
Well clearly, Sam Skykes must review Faith of the Fallen. Either that or Blood Canticle.
Little Lost Unicorn by Lorna Hussey.
that is, if you are man enough
Anne of Green Gables!
uuhhhhh...how 'bout...Idon't know....TWILIGHT?
well, if we have to go with girly fantasy, I'd recommend The Secret...
Merry Gentry series by Laurell K Hamilton... not really girly, more womanly. give the first one "A Kiss of Shadows" a go :D
I like the Meredith Gentry suggestion, although that's probably not what Sykes had in mind. What about a Valdemar book with a unicorn in it? Maybe The Outstretched Shadow?
Confessions of a Shopaholic.
Gravity's Rainbow
Christy by Catherine Marshall
Fear of Flying by Erica Jong
It will turn the mighty Sam Sykes stomach. He may even get in touch with his feminine side.
Does it have to be fantasy or Sci Fi? If so, A Civil Campaign by Lois McMaster Bujold seeing as she complains people are afraid of girl germs when she adds relationships to her stories. If not. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE!! Best book ever written. And totally from a female perspective. At no point has Austen written a scene where men are on their own in a room together, a woman is always present as she writes from experience. Girly doesn't have to mean not feminist (Twilight is quite frankly offensive), childrens literature (Anne of Green Gables much as I love it, is about growing up),or crap (sorry but that's where I put the Merry Gentry books in terms of quality). Good quality, well written fantasy books written from a female perspective regardless of protagonist, LMB tops my list, then Robin McKinley and then...Sharon Shinn. So, to recap. Please please please make Sam read:
A civil Campaign - LMB
Paladin of souls - LMB
Archangel - Sharon Shinn
or Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen (without Zombies)
Gossip Girl books, Sex and the City, Eat Pray Love, He's Just not That into You. Take you pick.
If Sam can't do a decent review. He should be forced to watch Eat, Pray, Love. and Sex in the City over and over again Clockwork Orange style.
Seriously guys, how can we let this opportunity slip?
Wizard's First Rule. Do it.
If Sam reviews that for us, I swear I will head to my local Chapters and buy 3 copies of his book.
Keeper Martin's Tale
Pat's draft of his own novel.
I second anon of 4:48.
Wizard's First Rule.
Please ... :o)
Confessions of a Shopaholic or P.S. I Love You. If we're going for non-fantasy girlie. If it's fantasy girlie, then I'll have to think about that.
Wizard's First Rule is hardly the 'girliest' book I can think of, but I just want to see Sykes wreck Pat's shit with his review of it.
Wizard's First Rule
If not that, then my back-up vote is for Sweet Valley High, any volume of Sam's choosing.
Have him review Outlander, his mom's novel.
I have to go with Wizard's First Rule
Flowers in the Attic. Every 15 year old girl I knew when I was 15 was reading that crap. Haha.
If it has to be fantasy, go for some Anne McCaffery. Acorna perhaps.
How about those books by Kristen Britain, Green Rider I think? Girly as all get out.
Anything by Danielle Steel!
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