When asked if the tentative April 2010 release date was still within the realm of possibilities, here's what she had to say: "We do not have any pub date for Rothfuss, and won’t until the book is nearly perfect. I have no idea how long that will take."
Whether Rothfuss can achieve perfection for a spring 2010 release date remains to be seen. Which means that this one could be published later on next year. . .
18 commentaires:
Im confused he said on his blog that he had finished his first draft and turned it in for editing so I thought they would have no problem making the april 2010 release date
The first draft has been turned in, all right. But his editor feels that a number of rewrites will be required to bring this one to perfection. And since Daw Books will not consider releasing THE WISE MAN'S FEAR until it's nearly perfect, it might not make it to the April 2010 slot. . .
argh why did I read NoTW almost 2 years ago. Should have waited.
I've still not read The Name of the Wind yet. This makes it easier for me to: 1.) hold out on reading it and, 2.) justifying a purchase of Best Served Cold to read, along with the rest of the pile, while I wait.
I'm at the point where I don't care anymore. I may just pass on it completely.
I hate long waits and I bet I'm not the only one put off by them.
snide comment coming ... perhaps he needs to stay home and work on the book instead of touring and spending so much time on his blog!
Good point, Elizabeth. How dare he take the time to make the book as good as possible before we read it?
I don't mind waiting for George R.R. Martin because I've seen what he can do. I have faith that his books will please.
Rothfuss has written one book. Yes, a very good book, but still it is only his debut. One book isn't enough for me to have patience and believe that this guy is going to put out a book worth waiting for.
The Wise Man's Fear might be perfect. I might look back then and say, "Hey, this guy can take all the time he wants!" Until then I'll go dive into another new fantasy series to tied me over.
All these delays are making me hate the idea of the big series. People should write complete stand alone stories...
I don't mind the long wait, as long as the author and his editor that the finish product won't disappoint. Meanwhile reading Rothfuss' blog has alleviated any negative feelings I had for the delay of the Wise Man's Fear. . .
Some of you are ridiculous. Do you think all it takes is a snap of the fingers for a book to be written? Most series take a long time to write and it seems like the only reason you're complaining is because you happened to read the first book before the other's came out. I can't imagine how angry you all would have been when Tolkien was writing LOTR in an age where you wouldn't even have gotten status updates from the author.
A twisted part of me can't wait for Patrick and Sarah's baby to be born, just to see if some people will have the nerve to add "He should be busy writing, not spending so much time with his kid!!1!one" to the Whining List.
We could all die before "perfect" or even "near perfect" happens.
I can forgive a lot if the story is good and satisfies.
lol - it isn't enough we have blogs and publisher web pages to give us publication details; now we've an insider who asks directly!
Pre-Internet there was "black box" publishing, when delay durations were accepted as unknowns and de rigeur. Now it's become a big deal, just because we can monitor every hiccup. There's more of an impatience problem here (new) than a publishing problem (old).
Actually, people write amazing books in a year or so. Erikson and Sanderson spring to mind. No one can beat the ridiculousness that is Martin, but Rothfuss has a few things working against him:
1. TNotW was very good, but... uh... nothing happened in it. Are we to expect just a "middle" part from TWMF then? And another four or five years for the finale?
2. The series was marketed as "already written". I can understand a one-year delay due to rewrites. But no more.
3. Like someone said earlier, Rothfuss has written one book. A one-book writer isn't exactly in the position to delay his work so much.
It's true that books don't write themselves and it doesn't happen in a blink. But if you can't write fast enough, you are simply forgotten. I'm already quite "whatever" about Scott Lynch and Rothfuss isn't doing so well in my list either.
I video interviewed Pat yesterday and he answered many of the questions you guys have. It will be posted on Suvudu.com tonight or tomorrow.
One thing you all have to remember: He spent 14+ years editing WIND. He put that book through literally hundreds of edits and that's why the book was so strong and powerful. In short, he told me FEAR is 80% up to his high standards, but that 20% is going to take several edits to make it correct and bring it into line storywise with WIND. When he is satisfied with it, he will give us all a release date.
In an age when there is a lot of schlock out there not worthy to be printed because it wasn't given full attention, I'd hope any detractors to what Pat is doing would appreciate his reasoning behind it, at the very least.
patrick needs to get it together and stop procrastinating. his first novel was amasing and quite frankly i am dissapointed at the level of responsibility he has shown in his writng career. you either do something or you don't.
I understand why it is taking so long, but it is still frustrating when the "release date" comes up and we are told that, hey not really. My dad and my uncle have been avid readers since they were young, especially in the scifi and fantasy genre, and so I am used to then handing me all of these great series from years passed as one whole package. This is the first series that I have actually read the first book before the sequel was out. All in all this long rant was just to say that I am not used to waiting on books to come out and it stinks.
Don't rush art. K Thanks.
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