Many thanks to Irene Gallo from Tor Books for sending me a jpeg of what is not yet the final version of the US cover art for Steven Erikson's Dust of Dreams (Canada, USA, Europe).
It's a direct pick-up from the UK cover by Steve Stone. But the color scheme is a bit different, which brightens the scene somewhat.
9 commentaires:
ERIKSON: Now with added red-purple.
Glad to see that Tor just gave up on their covers as a bad idea and went with the UK ones. Probably saved a lot of whining in the long run.
I like this color treatment a lot more. The colors make it stand out alot more especially compared to one of the early teaser images of the LOTR films and compared to Frazetta's iconic Death Dealer image.
I agree with Adam, the UK covers have all been much better. Glad they are somewhat unifying them.
I'm thinking I'd like to see them keep the format of the US covers. I like the art, but lose the helm and such above the name. They have done 8 books one way thus far, so they may as well stick with it and keep things visually connected.
Yeah, I'm not pleased that 8 books into the series they decided to change the entire jacket design. (I'm annoyed enough at the tweaks they made to the TtH MMPB.) I like the art here, but it still gets a big thumbs down for inconsistency.
I personally don't care for the new color scheme. It has a less dramatic impact IMO.
Why does TOR always tries so hard to ruin a good thing? :(
Ugh I HATE it when series switch style in the middle. I was pissed when ASoIaF did, and now I'm more pissed that Malazan did it.
Many thanks to Irene Gallo from Tor Books for sending me a jpeg of what is not yet the final version of the US cover art for Steven Erikson's Dust of Dreams
a jpeg of what is not yet the final version of the US cover art for Steven Erikson's Dust of Dreams
not yet the final version of the US cover art
not yet the final version
It reminds me a bit too much of the LotR movie covers they've got everywhere now. :( But. Pretty.
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