
In May of 2010, I was letting you guys know that Tyra Banks would write a fantasy novel:

This from the press release:

Tyra Banks Presents MODELLAND…

Tyra Banks Launches MODELLAND under Bankable Books, the newly created division of Bankable Enterprises, which is also the parent company of Bankable Productions, Bankable Digital and Bankable Studios. Tyra Banks continues her mission to expand the definitions of beauty with a fantasy trilogy that will be published by Delacorte Press of Random House; the first book of the Modelland (pronounced Model Land) series will launch in summer 2011.

See below for an excerpt from the Delacorte press release and a quote from Tyra’s letter to her fans which is posted NOW at For the full letter and for MODELLAND-inspired photos check out

Excerpt form Tyra’s Letter posted on

“Modelland has always been a part of my mind and my heart. As you might know, I step into a bookstore and I shake (really!) because I love books so much. Ever since I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to pick up a new book and see what worlds the writers had created for me. I especially loved books with strong girls and women – you know, girls with guts, smarts and attitude – and then one day it came to me… MODELLAND! I’m getting it ready for you through my new division called Bankable Books and now I’m shaking for a different reason… I’m excited that you’ll be able to read about this magical world that’s been living in my dreams for so many years.”

Excerpt from Release – Tyra Banks Signs Multi-Book Deal with Delacorte Press:

Delacorte Press has acquired MODELLAND, the first novel in a three-book series written by international, entertainment, and media icon Tyra Banks, it was announced today by Beverly Horowitz, Vice-President and Publisher, Delacorte Press. Drawing from an area of expertise she is avidly passionate about, Tyra’s MODELLAND is the story of a teen girl in a make-believe society who finds herself competing for a way of life that's both hotly desired and woefully out of reach at an academy for Intoxibellas, the most exceptional models known to humankind. As the plot unfolds, readers will uncover lessons that are buried beneath the surface of this magical world. The premise of the 3-part fantasy series is deeply rooted in Tyra’s core mission of expanding the definitions of beauty. In MODELLAND, Tyra’s innate ability to connect with women on issues ranging from relationships to body image finds a natural extension to the page. MODELLAND will launch in summer 2011 and will be supported by a major national marketing and publicity campaign.

This marks the first fiction foray into publishing for Bankable Enterprises, which includes Bankable Productions, Bankable Digital and Bankable Studios – which serve as strategic platforms for the continued development of the MODELLAND series.

Well folks, we now have a blurb and a pub date (September 13th):

Have you ever seen her? The girl whose face you'd never in a million--no trillion--years describe as beautiful? The girl whose eyes are too wide, hair too wild, head too enormous to ever be noticed? Well, she's been chosen for something girls only dream of . . . to be a part of Modelland . . . a place where dreams come true and life can change in the blink of a smoky eye. . . .

Inspired by Tyra's real-life experiences and her creative imagination, the story centers on an awkward teen girl who gets selected to attend the exclusive Modelland academy, where magical Intoxibellas, the world's best models, are trained. A spot at the academy is woefully out of reach for most girls, so why has quirky Tookie De La Crème, of all people, been selected?

Tookie De la Crème??? Are you fucking kidding me???

32 commentaires:

Justin said...

Sounds like a porno.

Tran said...

I've had this comment page opened for five minutes, only to realise I am speechless... Not in a good way either. "What is this fuckery?" keeps repeating in my mind though.

Anyway, great blog! So glad I found it. I keep coming across fantasy book review sites that have too many vampires and werewolves related posts.

Babel said...

They must be XD

Andystoteles said...

Didn´t you know? It´s the next big thing! Probably better than ASoIaF and sliced bread put together.

Anonymous said...

"Drawing from an area of expertise she is avidly passionate about, Tyra’s MODELLAND is the story of a teen girl in a make-believe society who finds herself competing for a way of life that's both hotly desired and woefully out of reach at an academy for Intoxibellas, the most exceptional models known to humankind."

I'm surprised the pub date isn't April 1st 2012, this has to be a joke.

Daniel said...

Tyra Banks? Creative imagination? Say whaaa...?

GunMetalBlue said...

Oh my god. That's awful! You think she got Stanek to ghostwrite it for her? LOL

Just a piss poor idea. It won't fly....and if it does then society is ending.

Joe said...

I'm still stunned that Tyra can actually read, and now she has written a book....yeah right..more like spoke into a dictaphone and given it to a ghost writer.

So anyone else here shake (err cum) when they go into a book neither....maybe its the type of books she goes for that does it.

Anonymous said...

I love that they had to add

"Modelland (pronounced Model Land)"

Really? I couldn't figure that one out!!" LOL!!

SQT said...


The Wolf Maid said...

It's a good thing you have ADWD, Pat, so you can recover from this WTFuckery.

I can't stop laughing.

And being suddenly afraid.

Anonymous said...

You're going to review this, right?

chicha said...

Whats next? GRRM going into fashion business?!

Yona said...

at least it's not another "this is how wonderful and well earned life went" - Biography.

sounds great.

Alexander Field said...

If this is a prank its genius. Otherwise, I feel bad (not that bad) for the publisher who paid money for this project. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's an illustrated edition and maybe there'll be lots of pictures of really scantily clad models and .....

Ok, what the heck, I'll buy a copy.

Anonymous said...

Where are the Amazon ordering links?

Troy (heehee)

Chris said...

I expect to see a review on this site at some stage. ROFL!

ito said...

"I especially loved books with strong girls and women – you know, girls with guts, smarts and attitude"

This quote made me think of the female marines in Erikson's series or Abercrombie's main gals. To name a few.

Anonymous said...

So....immediate review upon publication confirmed?

Igor Blažević said...

Well, it IS a fantasy:) Tookie is the new Daenerys!

Anonymous said...

I have zero issue with her having a passion for books, and I'd like to think her passion would translate to her fans exploring new roads in literature; but I have a sinking feeling this isn't going to an Arya Stark or Quakenbush scenario.

Cecrow said...

Alas, we face an oncoming world of e-books where the 'gatekeepers', our valued paper-book publishers, will no longer separate the wheat from the chaff and protect us from drivel as they allow only the best of such magical works as "Modelland" to sift through into publication - thus exposing us to who-knows-what. Whatever will we do?

Kerrygirl said...




Kirshy said...

She had to create her own publishing company in order to get this book into print. I think that says it all.

The sad part is there are probably thousands of little girls out there who will buy it because they are fans of America's Next Top Model.

Anonymous said...

I request a review!

Anonymous said...

I think I'm going to puke.

Grack21 said...




Patrick said...

Funny thing is, if I do get a review copy, I might not be able to stop myself from at least flipping through the book.

It sounds so corny that I'll have to read a few chapters... ;-)

Rich Mom, Rich Dad. Poor Mom, Poor Dad. said...

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! I. can't. stop. laughing.

Snow Princess said...

As much as I expect this to be terrible, if it gets more people to read and improve someone's sense of body image (doubtful) that is a good thing.

Dovile said...

I think she'd be better of writing chick lit, not fantasy, or if she can't help writing it, then I'd use a different name if I were her.